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Outcome Mapping
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A Guide to Participatory Outcome-Focused Monitoring with Most Significant Change, Outcome Harvesting, and Outcome Mapping
Author(s): Richard Smith
The guidance distills insights and examples drawn from my practice, the wider literature and the team's experience gained during two pilot qualitative monitoring activities conducted in Niger and Bangladesh. It provides practical tips, examples and selected references to other publicly available materials. Those designing and facilitating monitoring can use the guidance to help them decide how to blend elements from the methods or choose between them.
The guidance was developed by CARE for the USAID-support Food Security and Nutrition Network.
Outcome Mapping + Equity, Gender, and Social Justice
Author(s): Heidi Schaeffer, Sonal Zaveri
This paper introduces OM+, a new approach to thinking about and using outcome mapping (OM) for supporting transformative change through a focus on inclusion and leadership for Equity, Gender, and Social Justice. It was written by OM practitioners Heidi Schaeffer and Sonal Zaveri, with inputs from the Outcome Mapping Learning Community (OMLC) stewards. This collaborative work continues to evolve with participation from social and environmental change practitioners and evaluators from around the world.
In this paper, we provide a summary of OM+. We introduce what it is and what it adds to OM, as well as the plans underway to continue the learning and create a practical OM+ guide and other resources. We want to encourage and support conversations with Outcome Mapping and Outcome Harvesting (OH) practitioners around the world about applications, adaptations, and useful guidance for practices that support complexity and equity-based transformative change.
French, Spanish and Hindi translations are available here:
Cartographie des Incidences+ Équité, genre et justice sociale
Author(s): Heidi Schaeffer, Sonal Zaveri
Cet article présente la CI+, une nouvelle approche de réflexion et d'utilisation de la cartographie des incidences (CI) pour soutenir le changement transformateur en mettant l'accent sur l'inclusion et le leadership pour l'équité, le genre et la justice sociale. Il a été rédigé par les praticiennes de la CI, Heidi Schaeffer et Sonal Zaveri, avec la contribution des intendants de la Catégorie des incidences de la 'Communauté d'apprentissage de la Cartographie des Incidences (OMLC). Ce travail collaboratif continue d'évoluer avec la participation de praticiens et d'évaluateurs du changement social et environnemental du monde entier.
Dans cet article, nous fournissons un bref résumé de la CI+. Nous présentons ce que c'est et ce qu'il ajoute à la CI, ainsi que les plans en cours pour poursuivre l'apprentissage et CIéer un guide pratique de la CI+ et d'autres ressources. Nous voulons encourager et soutenir les conversations avec les praticiens de la cartographie des incidences et de la récolte des incidences (RR) du monde entier sur les applications, les adaptations et les conseils utiles pour les pratiques qui soutiennent la complexité et le changement transformateur basé sur l'équité.
Mapeo de Alcances + Equidad, Género y Justicia Social
Author(s): Heidi Schaeffer, Sonal Zaveri
Este documento introduce el MA+, un nuevo enfoque para consideración y uso del mapeo de alcances (MA) como apoyo al cambio transformacional con un enfoque de inclusión y liderazgo por la Equidad, el Género y la Justicia Social.
Este texto fue redactado por dos especialistas en Mapeo de Alcances Heidi Schaeffer y Sonal Zaveri, contando con apoyo de de los encargados de la Comunidad de Aprendizaje de Mapeo de Alcances (OMLC). Este esfuerzo conjunto está en constante evolución gracias a la participación de personas que trabajan por y evaluan procesos de cambio social y ambiental en diferentes partes del mundo.
The SADRI Experience with Outcome-oriented Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL)
Author(s): Richard Smith
This infographic describes the development, use, added value, challenges, and success factors of the Southern Africa Drought Resilience Initiative (SADRI)’s outcome-oriented monitoring approach.
Outcome-Oriented Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning: Final Report from SADRI, the Southern Africa Drought Resilience Initiative
Author(s): Richard Smith
This report describes the development, use, added value, challenges, and success factors of SADRI’s outcome-oriented monitoring approach. It is intended as a resource for teams that want to understand the steps involved and the benefits it can bring, challenges, and factors that can make it function successfully.
Kalozera Wophunzitsira Ndikukonzekera: Zotsatila Za Kalindolondo Wa Pulojekiti
Author(s): Julius Nyangaga, Penelop Paliani, Kulimba Chiotcha, Isaac Malunga, the Salvation Army
Ntchito ya zotsatira za kalolondolondo wa pulojekiti yakhazikitsidwa kuti isinthe malingalilo athu pa zimene tikufuna kukwanilitsa. Cholinga chake ndikuonetsetsa kuti anthu akumalandila bwanji malingalilo amene tili nawo pa ntchito zimene tikufuna kugwila m’madela awo. Iyi ndi ndondomeko imene ikutiwunikila mmene tingapangile kuti tiyende chitsogolo. Zotsatira za kalolondolondo wa pulojekiti zimapangika pa mkumano ngati uno. Kwa inu alendo izi zimachitika ndi kutheka ngati ku msonkhano uno. Izi zinachitikapo ndi kutheka mmimukumano ina mbuyomu imene inatsogololedwa ndi Sarah Earl, Fred Carden ndi Terry Smutylo mwa ena mmalingalilo oti kumanga ndi kuwunikila ntchito za chitukuko zimene zinatsidikizidwa ndi bugwe la IDRC mchaka cha 2001.
Bukuli linafotokozanso njira zina zimene anthu anasatila malingana ndi kafukufuku amene anachita amene anapeza njira zopitisila pa tsogolo ntchito zachitukuko ndi zotukula dela ndipo izi zidafotokozedwa mwandondomeko imene inagwilitsidwa ntchito pofotokoza zolinga ndi chiyembekezo chawo pa nkumano umene anachita pa nthawi imeneyo.
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