Webinar recording: What is the value of Outcome Mapping
Content type:
Jan Van Ongevalle, Steff Deprez, Simon Hearn
OM Resources: Training Materials
15 December 2012
During this webinar, the results of the Outcome Mapping usefulness study are presented and discussed. This study, commissioned by the Outcome Mapping Learning Community, explored to what extent Outcome Mapping helped programmes and organisations in the following four domains:
1. Clarifying and strengthening relationships
2. Learning about development results
3. Strengthening internal adaptive capacity
4. Strengthening upward, horizontal and downward accountability needs.
This seminar will give you an opportunity to learn about the potential of Outcome Mapping to help organisations deal with processes of complex change. At the same time you will be introduced to a simple tool that you can use in your own context to assess the usefulness of your Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation approach.