Poster: Using Outcome Harvesting to evaluate a climate change research programme
Content type:
Kornelia Rassmann, Tonya Schuetz, Philip Thornton, Laura Cramer, Tonya Schuetz
OM Resources: Examples of Use
20 September 2017
Exploring and developing effective evaluative approaches for evidencing the contribution of CCAFS climate data and tools towards development outcomes.
The CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) integrates climate change research across all CGIAR Research Centres and Research Programs. One line of work is the development and dissemination of high quality, accessible and easy-to-use climate data and tools. In 2016, CCAFS commissioned a study assessing the development effectiveness of CCAFS research outputs with respect to three selected CCAFS climate products. The poster summarises the challenges, methodology (using an adapted Outcome Harvesting approach with elements from Impact Pathway thinking and Contribution Analysis), and preliminary findings.