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OMLC Webinar: Lessons learned from combining OM and OH

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Julius Nyangaga, Florence Etta, Maya Reggev, Goele Scheers, Richard Smith, the OMLC Stewards and the OH Community Facilitators


OM Resources: Events




26 May 2021

Recording from webinar in May 2021.

There is increasing interest and practice around combining Outcome Mapping and Outcome Harvesting around the globe, as well as questions around the differences between the two and when it is best to use each one separately and when to combine. This webinar will review the newly released Outcome Mapping and Outcome Harvesting: common concepts, differences and uses brief (see link below), and hear from a few practitioners of how they have used OM and OH together in a single program.

Goele Scheers and Richard Smith present a paper on the commonalities and differences of OM and OH.

Julius Nyangaga, Florence Etta and Maya Reggev present their perspectives on combining OM and OH for monitoring and evaluation.

OMLC Webinar: Lessons learned from combining OM and OH
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