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Learning about impact - Results of a learning trajectory on monitoring and evaluation

Content type:

Case Studies


Jan Van Ongevalle, Janssens Bert


OM Resources: Examples of Use




14 December 2018

This publication describes the results of a collaborative action learning trajectory (2014-2016) in which 8 Flemish municipalities together with their partners from the global South experimented with various actor- and learning-oriented monitoring and evaluation methods to learn about the results of their city-link projects. Some of the monitoring and evaluation methods explored include outcome mapping, most significant change and the five core capability model. The action research process was supported by the Association of Flemish Cities and Municipalities (VVSG) in collaboration with HIVA-KULeuven. The publication is available in English, French, Spanish and Dutch and can be accessed through the VVSG website:

Learning about impact - Results of a learning trajectory on monitoring and evaluation
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